Master's thesis

Writing your Master's thesis is not linked to the progress of your studies, so you can start at any time during your Master's degree program. Your thesis must be completed and assessed in order to graduate (defensio).

Selection of a topic

As soon as you have an idea of the topic or research question you would like to write your Master's thesis on, think about which teacher could supervise you. Conversely, it is also possible that a potential supervisor's topic appeals to you, but you do not yet have a concrete idea for a research question. Get in touch with the supervisor to discuss your topic and the next steps. The topic of the Master's thesis should be chosen in such a way that it can be completed within six months.

Once you have found the topic of your Master's thesis and its supervision, this must still be approved by the Director of Studies. The SSC requires the following three forms for this:

Once the topic and supervisor have been approved by the directorate of studies, you will be notified by us and you can start writing your thesis.

Some Master's degree programs require you to complete a conversatorium/privatissimum in addition to your Master's thesis, during which you can develop and present the concept of your Master's thesis. Please make sure that you choose a conversatorium/privatissimum in which your supervisor is listed.

Note for students of the Master's degree program "Geography: Global Change and Sustainability": according to the curriculum, you are not required to complete a conversatorium/privatissimum!

Here you will find a list of all possible supervisors.

Formal requirements

Here you will find the regulation on the formal requirements for the submission of scientific papers (German only). The following points, among others, must be observed:

  • The title page must be bilingual and comply with the specifications on u:space (you no longer have to create it yourself using a template).
  • The paper must include an abstract in German and English (regardless of whether the paper was written in German or English).
  • The paper must be submitted
    • in DIN A4 portrait format
    • hard bound
    • printed on both sides 
    • in duplicate
  • For data protection reasons, no curriculum vitae or affidavit must be included.

Creation of paper master thesis

At the University of Vienna it is possible to embed independently written scientific articles in scientific theses (Master's theses, dissertations). This is intended in particular to offer students who are aiming for an academic career the opportunity to write their theses in a format that is already suitable for publication.

SPL guidelines for the preparation of Master's theses with the inclusion of independently written scientific articles (currently German only).

Here you will find general information on the use of publications in academic theses at the University of Vienna.