Study Conference

The study conference is an advisory body to the respective directorate of studies (SPL). Half of its members are delegated by the student representatives and the other half is appointed by the lecturers. Through the study conferences, students are thus involved in the quality assurance of teaching and in the organization of studies and teaching. The study conference is chaired by the director of studies, who is a permanent respondent of the study conference without voting rights.


The responsibilities of the study conference include:

  • Opinion of the appointment of the vice-director of studies
  • Opinion on planned minor changes to the curricula
  • Recommendation and statement on the planning of teaching requirements
  • Recommendation and statement on the proposal of the director of studies to the deans regarding the design and orientation of the teaching programme
  • Counselling on matters concerning the organisation of studies
  • Suggestions to the directorate of studies for the improvement of the studying conditions


The size of the study conference is determined by the respective director of studies upon proposal by the faculty conference. The study conference of the SPL28 consists of 16 members. The students delegate their representatives in accordance with the HSG 2014 (Students' Union Act 2014), the lecturers are appointed by the representatives of the academic university staff of the corresponding curia via the faculty conference.

University Professor:


  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Manuel Güdel
  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Aiko Voigt
  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Wagreich

Substitute members

  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kriwet
  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Stohl
  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bodo Ziegler

Associate professors, academic staff in research and teaching:


  • Dr. Marina Dütsch
  • ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eugen Libowitzky
  • Dr. Tanja Rindler-Daller

Substitute members

  • ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Gier
  • Dr. Stefan Meingast
  • Dott. Dott. ric. Stefano Serafin



  • Lilly Anna (astronomy)
  • Fabian Polnitzky (astronomy)
  • Peter Haberer (earth science)
  • Anna Rupitsch (earth science)
  • Francesca Papatola (meteorology)
  • Theo Schreck (meteorology)

Substitute members

  • Isak Niederbrunner (astronomy)
  • Morgan Biermaier (astronomy)
  • Isabella Winterer (meteorology)
  • Daniel Stanka (meteorology)
  • Lukas Eder (earth science)
  • Sophia Schwarzbäcker (earth science)