Graduation / Master's Thesis
I have not yet completed all the courses prescribed in the curriculum for my Master's degree program. Can I still start my Master's thesis?
Yes, writing and submitting the Master's thesis is independent of the course of study. The final point of your Master's degree program is your final examination (defensio). All examinations prescribed by the curriculum must have been completed and the Master's thesis assessed.
What if it takes me longer than six months to complete my Master's thesis?
Our curriculum states: "The assignment for the master’s thesis must be so chosen that the participant can reasonably be expected to complete it within six months." However, if you need longer than the specified period to complete your thesis, this has no consequences for you in terms of study law (apart from a possible delay in your studies and a resulting demand for tuition fees).
Why do I have to submit a disposition in advance of my Master's thesis? What is a disposition?
In the disposition you explain the concept of your Master's thesis, a first (rough) outline and your task or the questions to be dealt with in the Master's thesis on approx. two to three pages. In addition, you should provide an initial preview of the literature that you will use for your Master's thesis. The head of the study program will then decide on the basis of your disposition whether the topic and the project of your Master's thesis can be approved.
What formal criteria do I have to observe when writing my Master's thesis?
Here you will find the formal requirements for writing your Master's thesis. For all other criteria, such as font size, font type or line spacing, there are no specifications set by our directorate of studies. However, you can use the following as a guide:
o Font: Times New Roman
o Font size: 12 (10 in the footnotes)
o Line spacing: 1.5 (1 in the footnotes)
If you have any further questions about formatting, please contact the supervisor of your Master's thesis directly.
Who can take over the chair for my Defensio?
In principle, the chair - depending on the respective subject area - is assumed by the individual directorates of studies. Here you will find our 4 SPLs. If the assigned SPLs are unable to take on the chair, we recommend that you request someone from the list of possible supervisors for a Master's thesis as chair.
Does the University of Vienna offer support for writing my Master's thesis?
Yes, the Center for Teaching and Learning offers writing mentoring. This is a support service for students at the University of Vienna who want to develop their academic writing skills (not only for Master's students).
How will my final exam (Defensio) proceed?
Here you will find information on the procedure for your Master's examination. You will also find a paragraph on your Master's examination in the respective curriculum of your degree program.
On what date will my final examination and therefore my degree be entered?
Since the final examination is the last achievement in your degree program, the date of your graduation coincides with the date of the final examination. The date depends on the day on which you took your final examination. For example, if the final examination takes place at the end of April, but the assessment is only entered a few days later, the date at the end of April applies. The same applies to the issue of the certificate: if this is issued in mid-May, for example, the date at the end of April still counts. In this case, it would not be necessary to enrol for the summer semester.