Recognition of exams

Recognitions are regulated in §78 UG. Information on formal and content-related criteria can be found here (German only).
Recognition of exam can only be granted by means of a formal application.
Note: Before submitting the application form, we recommend discussing the possible recognitions of exams with the respective responsible directorate of studies (SPL).


The forms are available as downloads on this website. Both the application form and the recognition table have to be sent completely with the corresponding proof by mail to the responsible SPL or to the SSC GGA (

IMPORTANT: Send recognition applications from your Uni Vienna webmail account (u:net account) only. Requests from private email addresses can NOT be processed due to the General Data Protection Regulation.

You have to submit:

The recognition procedure can take up to 8 weeks. The exhibited official notice will be sent by e-mail to your u:net address with an official electronic signature.

Recognition of professional and non-professional qualifications

Legal and further information as well as the formal procedure can be found here (German only).

Note: It is strongly recommended to have a counseling interview with the respective responsible SPL before submitting the validation application.


Difference: recognition / assignment

Recognition of exams:
Examination result is not yet registered in the record of exams of the current degree program, and must be recognised.

Recognition is required if an examination result needs to be recognised that has not yet been entered as a performance in a (current) degree program. Therefore, courses from a parallel degree program at the University of Vienna, courses completed at a foreign university, or courses from closed or completed studies must be recognised.

Examination result is already entered in the record of exams of a current study, for example in the module chosen according to interest, and must be assigned.
An assignment is necessary if an examination result, which is not offered as a course of the respective study, should count as a performance for the respective study or the performance was entered in a "wrong" module. However, this performance is already entered in the record of exams of the corresponding degree program, e.g. in the module chosen according to interest. In this case the achievement must be assigned. Please send an e-mail to the SSC GGA.